Environment pre-requisite #
Before proceeding with any SYNDi upgrade. Verify the following. File or installation corruption can occur if the following is not met.
- All users must be logged off of SYNDi and have SYNDi not running in the background until the entire process is complete.
- Check the server where SYNDi is hosted at compmgmt.msc>System Tools> Shared Folders> Open Files for any opened files under the SYNDi Share.
- Each workstation upgrade should only be done one by one. Not simultaneously.
Upgrade installation steps for workstations #
- Download the latest version of SYNDi Loan Manager from our website. (Installation file can be downloaded once and saved somewhere. Usually it is saved under \SERVERNAMESYNDiSetup )
- Run the install and it should start an uninstall process. This is fairly generic like any uninstall. Click next till finish.
- Once the uninstall has been completed, run the install again. This will start to install the new version.
- Proceed through the onscreen instructions until you are prompted for the destination of where SYNDi will be installed.
- Change the destination path to be the server where SYNDi is hosted. Usually it is \SERVERNAMESYNDi
- Proceed with the rest of the installation by clicking next till finish.
- Repeat step 2 – 6 on all workstations.
NOTE: Do not delete any leftover files in the SYNDi share after the uninstall step of the upgrade.